“Tertúlias com …” is a project organised by Prof. Matilde Pato (FIT member) and designed for ADEETC students and teachers and other onlookers. An ADEETC professor is invited who, in an informal conversation and knowledge exchange, hangs with another professor or researcher from another university / institute. “Tertulias com …” has a monthly period and is intended to take place during the class period.

1. September, 18th Prof. Arlindo Oliveira (IST) and Prof. Nuno Datia (ISEL/FIT) “Inteligência Artificial”
2. October, 23rd Prof. Nuno Preguiça (FCT-UNL) and Prof. José Simão (ISEL/FIT) “Computação na Nuvem”
3. November, 27th Dr. Lino Santos (CNCS) and Prof. Nuno Cruz (ISEL/FIT) “Cibersegurança”

At 14h30 in auditório Ferreira Cardoso (Ed. C), ISEL.

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