ISEL/FIT is a member of the 5G-MOBIX project. 5G-MOBIX will develop and test automated vehicle functionalities using 5G core technological innovations along multiple cross-border corridors and urban trial sites. FIT is responsible for the Quality of Service evaluation at the Porto-Vigo pilot corridor.

ISEL/FIT joins Golabs.IoT

ISEL/FIT signed a protocol with Meo / Altice Portugal to integrate the Golabs.IoT ecosystem, within the scope of ADEETC master’s degree courses and its new IoT (Internet of Things) laboratory and R&D activities. Created by Altice Portugal, the new laboratory brings together manufacturers, industry, academia and startups allowing the testing Read more…

Lisboa Urban Data Lab

A member of the ISEL/FIT is manager of the Coordination Committee of the Lisboa Urban Data Laboratory. FIT invited some mathematics teachers of the ISEL to participate in this work. Lisbon Intelligent Management Platform (PGIL) integrates a wide range of municipal data, which from external entities, sensors and social networks Read more…